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Image by Danai Tsoutreli

Prayer Room

New York City Time

Welcome! Prayer Room Patmos is one of our first Virtual Reality (VR) Prayer Room. This prayer room does not use Zoom as its communication platform but rather Meta’s Horizon Workrooms, and therefore this prayer space requires special instructions in order to join.

One can join Prayer Room Patmos via either a traditional computer or a VR headset. To join via a traditional computer, follow steps 1–3. To join via a VR headset, follow steps 4–5.

(1) To join Prayer Room Patmos via a traditional (i.e., a laptop or desktop) computer, open Google Chrome or Bing (web browsers). Safari is not currently supported.

(2) In Google Chrome or Bing, navigate to Prayer Room Patmos:

(3) Click on the blue “Enter Prayer Room” button at the top of the landing page.

(4) To join Prayer Room Patmos via a VR headset, send one of the members of the prayer room welcome team (see the bottom of the landing page) an email (a) requesting an invitation to the prayer room and (b) confirming your Meta ID.

(5) Once you receive an invitation from us to the prayer room, you will be able to join the prayer room via Meta’s Horizon Workrooms app at any time.

Welcome Team

 Contact us to send in your prayer requests, schedule new prayer services, or learn more about our prayer rooms.

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