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Open House-Puertas Abiertas

Prayer Service

During this one-hour, multilingual prayer service, we will join hand in hand as a global community and pray the Moravian Daily Texts (Psalm 7:2 and Matthew 10:19) for the cause of world evangelism. The prayer service will feature live reports from several missionaries. / Durante este servicio de oración multilingüe de una hora de duración, nos uniremos como comunidad global y rezaremos los Textos Moravos Diarios (Salmo 7:2 y Mateo 10:19) por la causa de la evangelización mundial. El servicio de oración contará con informes en directo de varios misioneros. / Während dieser mehrsprachigen Gebetsstunde werden mehrere Missionare live über ihre Arbeit berichten. Wir beten als globale Gemeinschaft für die Verbreitung des Evangeliums weltweit und für den Schutz der verfolgten Kirche, unter Berufung auf die Herrnhuter Tageslosung (Psalm 7,2 und Matthäus 10,19).


This one-hour, multilingual prayer service will be held on Wednesday, February 28, 2023, from 9:00-10:00am New York City time and Panama time.

The Aqueduct Project Board of Intercessors
The Board of Intercessors provides supervision and spiritual direction for Aqueduct Project’s online Prayer Rooms. The Board of Intercessors seeks to be an instrument of corporate prayer in God's hands to bind and loose (Matthew 16:19) the will of God on earth as it is in heaven. In this way we enact Jesus' prayer in John 17 and live forth in Him the unity of the worldwide church.
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